Tuesday, January 21, 2014


The book is called "9" and this is the 1st state of page 10.
I have only started two pages of a forty page book and I am already a little bothered about how I will save this project.
A lot of what I do is not based on a formula. I start into things with no proven method and just keep working my way through. I like working that way. It is invigorating and wakes one up. Constantly.
Usually it looks a bit more promising than this.
And I don't normally reference Ren & Stimpy.
Those last two sentences are quite a bit of the bother.


  1. Each page is 12.75 X 9.5 inches the paper is 70 lb rough w/c paper made many years ago for Grumbacher. The original sheets were 19 X 25.5 inches. Each sheet is folded into a signature and there are five signatures for a total of forty pages
    My apologies for the way it is scanned.

  2. I'm a fan of fanning the flames of the perfect failure

  3. All failure is perfect or it would be called success.

    Keep fanning.
    I plan to correlate my success to flame heights.

  4. "perfect failure is success
    anything less
    would be a mistake"
