Thursday, December 31, 2015

1142 (maybe not)

"97 suggestions"  page 61
(snoitseggus doog lla erew yeht yas t'ndid)

Not Analog

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

1141 (back)

"97 suggestions"  page 60
(didn't say they were all good suggestions)

Fuji Instax camera and film
last one for now

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

1140 (not well)

"97 suggestions"  page 59
(took a sick day - may take another)

Fuji and Fuji
this time the clarity is their fault
can't blame me

Sunday, December 27, 2015

1139 (blank)

"97 suggestions"  page 58
(97 suggestions is beginning to feel like too many)

Fuji camera and film
still not their fault

Saturday, December 26, 2015

1138 (boxing)

97 suggestions"  page 57
varieties of suggestion

Fuji camera and film
it's not their fault

Friday, December 25, 2015

1137 (Christmas)

"97 suggestions"  page 56
(here we go again and again)

slightly better than the last photo
still not good - I have some shots left

Thursday, December 24, 2015

1136 (afebrile)

"97 suggestions"  page 55
(past halfway - hopefully it gets more exciting now)

instant analog photo
worst one yet

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

1135 (rational)

"97 suggestions"  page 54
(only 50 more pages to go)

Fuji film and camera
instant analog photograph

this just in from Ersatz Lascaux
blogger is still being mean to Ez-Lx

the edge of known
is away from center

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

1134 (lucid)

"97 suggestions"  page 53
(first page of the last half of the book)

instant analog photo

this just in from Ersatx Lascaux
(who blogger won't let into the comment section sometimes)
Danger Danger Ez-Lx

stick shift

Monday, December 21, 2015

1133 (sane)

"97 suggestions"  page 52
(last page of the first half of the book)

Fuji camera and film
trees and tree parts

Sunday, December 20, 2015

1132 (median)

"97 suggestions"  page 51
(the map to nowhere)

Fuji Instax camera and film
instant analog image

Saturday, December 19, 2015

1131 (mean)

"97 suggestions"  page 50
(getting close to half-way through the book)

the last grey frame Silver Shade exposure
more losses than wins - oh well

Friday, December 18, 2015

1130 (average)

"97 suggestions"  page 49
(I should apologize to the art materials)

old - old - old
and old tree

Dear Blogger
let Ersatz Lascaux back into this comment section

Thursday, December 17, 2015

1129 (habitual)

"97 suggestions"  page 48
(looks like I abused it)

old camera - old film - old tree - old sky
believe the luck has run out - one more attempt

just in from Ersatz Lascaux -

ain't you come a long way down this old road?
look at that old photograph is it really you?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

1128 (general)

"97 suggestions"  page 47
I just like that number

old camera - old film - old photographer
I got lucky (kind of)

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

1127 (usual)

"97 suggestions"  page 46
finding and losing my way - keep on going

old camera - old film
a little like gambling

Monday, December 14, 2015

1126 (normal)

"97 suggestions"  page 45
(these suggestions are visual)

this instant image almost worked
which is saying a lot for what I'm working with

Sunday, December 13, 2015

1125 (Norma)

"97 suggestions"  page 44
(are you listening NEB)

Impossible  film old/unstable
it's like 3 times of day in 1 photo with an emulsion skip moon

Saturday, December 12, 2015

1124 (drip)

"97 suggestions"  page 43
(got off on the page numbers - think it's corrected)

Impossible Film OLD
grey frame for a grey day

Ersatz Lascaux's Therapist
manipulated Polaroid sepia film

Friday, December 11, 2015

1123 (dip)

"97 suggestions"  page 42
revisiting - revising - rejuvenating 

one more Fuji
for now

Thursday, December 10, 2015

1122 (morning)

"97 suggestions"  page 41
(beginning signature 6)

instant analog photo

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

1121 (more)

"97 suggestions"  page 40
(only 64 to go)

instant analog photo
of tree parts

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

1120 (TreeBones)

"97 suggestions"  page 39
(the hand is getting heavier - that's gotta stop)

Fuji instant film & camera
tree parts

Monday, December 7, 2015

1119 (TreeParts)

"97 suggestions"  page 38
(the hand stays heavy - yet not steady)

Fuji - instax WIDE
instant analog

Sunday, December 6, 2015

1118 (branches)

"97 suggestions"  page 37

'instant analog'